Hi, nice to meet you! in pink text

My name is Eliza and I am a content creator from London, who has been working in the industry for over 3 years. Before becoming a content creator I worked as a Graphic Designer and completed a design degree. This helped to give me strong communication skills, particularly when it comes to visual work.

I create content based mainly around Disability and LGBTQ+ positivity as they are two topics very close to my heart. As someone who is a relatively new wheelchair user, the idea of using a chair at first felt very scary, and I wanted to create content, so that other people in my position to see someone else going through the same thing as them and could feel and see community.

I am on a mission to try and make difficult, big topics easy to digest in bitesized, more accessible chunks.

As well as creating content online, I also do various modelling shoots with colourful brands and match my personal style as people will stare at my wheelchair anyway, so I may as well give them something to stare at!

In my spare time you will find me in an art gallery or out on a walk with my lovely dog Pod!

Eliza a White fem wheelchair user with rainbow hair smiling away from camera wearing a rainbow jumpsuit sat in front of a white background, they are looking at the text next to them